Thursday, November 10, 2011

Cover Crazy Thursday (9): The Legacy

Cover Crazy was created and hosted by Tawnil at The Book Worms. Find more information here.

The Legacy
Fallady Galbraith accepts the legacy of an isolated house on the Welsh borders as a means of escaping from London, but soon discovers that the house conceals a number of secrets, including, apparently, two household ghosts who act as cook and gardener.

Driven to find answers, she gets more than she bargained for when she falls into an eighteenth-century snowdrift. Life in 1779 is more about church, chilblains and chamber pots than dancing, dressing-up, and Mr Darcy, but love can be found in the most unlikely places.

As more strange events reveal ancient secrets, Fallady must choose between love and sacrifice.

I like the simplicity of this cover and how vibrant the colour blue is.

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